Salesforce Integration

This integration allows you to capture feedback from contacts or deals in HubSpot. It's a great way to keep an eye on what prospective customers are asking for and how much potential revenue is associated!

Installation 👇

  1. Open Workspace Settings

  1. Go to Integrations and connect

  1. Authorize connection

Easy peasy lemon squeezy, right? 🍋

Once your Salesforce is connected, you can add deals to any item on a Board.

Add deal to item 👇

  1. Add info on the main Board page, or on the item page.

    1. Add a Salesforce opportunity

You'll be able to search through Salesforce opportunities to add a specific deal to an item. You'll be asked to provide:

  • The specific deal

  • How urgently the deal contact wants the request (from its a nice to have, to it's a churn risk)

  • And why they want it (AI will help you articulate by suggesting reasons)

This information is automatically added to the item as a revenue opportunity, and sent to the Revenue page that groups together all revenue opportunities that have been added to any item.